Searching for "Chemistry" job / career / vacancy in Sweden? is here to assist you in your search. We wish you good luck in finding your new dream job!
Search parameters used for this particular query: Chemistryjob / career / vacancy; job location: Sweden. We found multiple listings that are shown below (this include part time / full time jobs / jobs near me).
Job Description: Vi erbjuder en värld av möjligheter, både internt och globalt. Leda och säkerställa att krav i gällande miljötillstånd och kontrollprogramm efterlevs och drivs.
Company: Mondi Hiring Organization: Mondi Salary: TBD
Location: Sverige Street Address: TBD
Locality: Sverige Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Som Labtekniker blir du en del av Supply chain hos oss på Coca-Cola Europacific Partners. Det är ett utvecklande arbete i en laborativt miljö där din analytiska…
Company: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Hiring Organization: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Salary: TBD
Location: Stockholm Street Address: TBD
Locality: Stockholm Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: In this role you will be responsible for the storage and timely supply of chemical compounds to AstraZeneca’s drug discovery projects.
Company: AstraZeneca Hiring Organization: AstraZeneca Salary: TBD
Location: Göteborg Street Address: TBD
Locality: Göteborg Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: I rollen kommer du att agera som Custodia konsult ute hos kund där uppdragen kan variera mellan mellan projektledning, kvalitetssäkring, processteknik och…
Company: Custodia Consulting Hiring Organization: Custodia Consulting Salary: TBD
Location: Stockholm Street Address: TBD
Locality: Stockholm Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Your knowledge will help us maintain cleanliness throughout the process chain, meet industry standards, and promote continuous improvement in cleanliness…
Job Description: Som expert på klassning av avfall kommer du jobba med klassning och kvalitetskontroll av inkommande material till Heljestorps avfallsanläggning.
Company: Ragn-Sells Hiring Organization: Ragn-Sells Salary: TBD
Location: Sverige Street Address: TBD
Locality: Sverige Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: As Quality Technics Specialist, you will be responsible for the Quality Technics activities, covering equipment, utilities, facilities qualification, change…
Company: PolyPeptide Belgium Hiring Organization: PolyPeptide Belgium Salary: TBD
Location: Sverige Street Address: TBD
Locality: Sverige Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Managing inventions throughout their life cycle; drafting and prosecution of patent applications. Supporting R&D projects with training, workshops, IP…
Job Description: MSc/PhD, analytical chemistry/chemistry/biochemistry/pharmacist/chemical engineering or similar. In this role you will be responsible for our project and…
Company: Sobi Hiring Organization: Sobi Salary: TBD
Location: Sverige Street Address: TBD
Locality: Sverige Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Du kommer att arbeta inom R&D i olika limutvecklingsprojekt, labuppdrag och kundfrågeärenden. Utföra laboratoriearbete enligt givna test-/utvärderingsmetoder,…
Job Description: Produce radiation cured coatings in lab scale. Apply and test the paints according to specifications and requirements defined by internal or external customers.
Company: Sherwin-Williams Hiring Organization: Sherwin-Williams Salary: TBD
Location: Stockholm Street Address: TBD
Locality: Stockholm Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Master of Science or PhD in Pharmacy, Chemistry, Science or Engineering, preferably cosmetic chemistry or similar, or similar by experience.
Job Description: Skicka din ansökan via länken senast den 6 december 2023. Vi använder tester som en del i rekryteringsprocessen, och undanber oss vänligt men bestämt…
Company: Södra Hiring Organization: Södra Salary: TBD
Location: Väröbacka Street Address: TBD
Locality: Väröbacka Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: University degree MSc in analytical chemistry or equivalent acquired experience. Are you trained in analytical chemistry and skilled in LC-MS/MS?
Company: Swedish Match North Europe AB Hiring Organization: Swedish Match North Europe AB Salary: TBD
Location: 114 46 Stockholm Street Address: TBD
Locality: 114 46 Stockholm Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: We believe you have studied chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, materials science, chemistry or similar including laboratory…
Job Description: PhD in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, genomics molecular biology or related discipline with at least 7 years of post-PhD experience.
Company: AstraZeneca Hiring Organization: AstraZeneca Salary: TBD
Location: Göteborg Street Address: TBD
Locality: Göteborg Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Har du i en tidigare roll arbetat med tekniker som HPLC, GC, AAS eller har du erfarenhet av system som LIMS eller Track Wise så ses detta som meriterande.
Company: Octapharma Hiring Organization: Octapharma Salary: TBD
Location: Stockholm Street Address: TBD
Locality: Stockholm Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: I samband med vårt stora ombyggnadsprojekt Stockholms framtida avloppsrening behöver vi förstärka våra driftslabb då behovet av välfungerande on-lineinstrument…
Company: Stockholm Vatten Hiring Organization: Stockholm Vatten Salary: TBD
Location: 106 36 Stockholm Street Address: TBD
Locality: 106 36 Stockholm Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Leda och delta i tilldelade R&D produkt- och processutvecklingsprojekt och uppdrag. Lägst master/civilingenjörsutbildning inom kemi/kemiteknik med relevant…
Job Description: Excellent knowledge of analytical chemistry, extending beyond the realm of coatings. Under general direction this position is accountable for contributing to…
Company: Sherwin-Williams Hiring Organization: Sherwin-Williams Salary: TBD
Location: Stockholm Street Address: TBD
Locality: Stockholm Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: Master in chemical engineering, chemistry or equivalent experience. The application laboratories are well-equipped and contain facilities and equipment for…
Company: Perstorp Group Hiring Organization: Perstorp Group Salary: TBD
Location: 284 80 Perstorp Street Address: TBD
Locality: 284 80 Perstorp Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: You will be responsible for running tests on a range of instruments and reporting data in a timely manner, these results will be used to continually innovate…
Company: Altris Hiring Organization: Altris Salary: TBD
Location: 753 18 Uppsala Street Address: TBD
Locality: 753 18 Uppsala Region: disclosed when applied Postal code: disclosed when applied
Job Description: A degree in BS/MSc or Ph.D. in chemistry, material engineering, chemical engineering, or related discipline is a must. Full-time employment, fixed salary.
Data as of 2023-12-02 (Loaded Cached) with id 3902. Database job listings: 1,214,315 jobs and growing. Find more jobs near me.
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